Discussing Image of Caspian Littoral Region

Discussing Image of Caspian Littoral Region

On Nov. 28, 2016, the second meeting of the Caspian Expert Club took place in the studio of the Astrakhan 24 TV Channel.

The meeting discussed image of the Caspian Littoral Region, which is formed by executing general projects in the field of tourism, culture, and economy supported with the right media coverage. Journalists from print and electronic media, businesspeople and professionals working in the tourism industry joined the meeting of experts from Russia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

First of all, Dr. Andrey Syzranov, Chief of the Center of Eurasian Political Research of Astrakhan State University, named the theme of the current meeting – image of the Caspian Littoral Region and its positioning in the media space. “I’d name the following to discuss: is there a single image of our Region within the media space of the five Caspian littoral countries? What tools are applied to form a positive image of this Region? Can we coordinate efforts of Russian, Azerbaijani, and Kazakhstani media to make it more attractive for tourists and investors?” he remarked.

Mr. Alexander Vassilyev, Editor-in-Chief of the Astrakhan 24 TV Channel, expressed his views: “Unfortunately, issues of this Region used to be forgotten in 1990s, but ideas to unite and implement join information projects started emerging in Astrakhan long ago. Now the Center of Eurasian Political Research operates at Astrakhan State University; it’s a brainstorming center that contributes to introduction of our common initiatives, including activities of our Caspian Expert Club”.

Mr. Vladimir Kosenchuk, CEO of the International Association of Student Television, pointed out that the key common task for today is to create the information space that would be convenient for all the citizens of the Caspian littoral countries, whatever language they speak and whatever their nationality is. Now that the five Caspian littoral countries perform large projects in the field of economy, nature management, and other fields, any citizen should be informed of the development and trends of the Caspian integration.

Дискуссия об имидже Каспийского региона

Dr. Kseniya Tyurenkova from Astrakhan State University has been involved in studies of the image of the Caspian Littoral Region for several years. In her opinion, this image is still rather vague. “Sometimes even image of particular Caspian littoral countries accumulates image of the entire Region, even though, in my opinion, it ought to be vice versa as well – from a particular image to the general image of this Region”, she said.

Mr. Ismail Agakishiev, General Manager of the Vestnik Kavkaza Information Analytical Agency, remarked: “To form a single information space, we just need to get together and start working. We take action in Baku, in Astrakhan, and in Astana, and now we just need to unite our efforts. Astrakhan Region has considerable resources for foreign investments, but our investors may not be aware what particular projects are attractive for them. Image making starts by developing a clear and distinct image. Before we make any films, write any books, and broadcast any TV programs, we must develop its main idea and describe it in details. In this respect, the upcoming celebration of the 300th anniversary of Astrakhan Region is a splendid base to unite the three elements of the Caspian Region’s image – its past, its present, and its future”.

“We’re already running two interesting and viable projects – the Caspian Editorial Board and the Caspian Media Forum, which we already arranged twice”, Ms. Marina Zaytseva, Chief of the Agency of Networks & Mass Communications of Astrakhan Region, continued the theme. “I believe it’s essential to involve the expert community in those projects, as well as modern technologies – online sessions and Skype conferences. We already apply all that to prepare for the 3rd Caspian Media Forum, and I’d like to invite the experts of today’s meeting to take part in it as both tutors and guests”.

Two experts from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan – Mr. Alibek Tazhibaev, Director of the Eurasian Monitoring Center of Analytical Research (Almaty, Kazakhstan), and Mr. Ali Hajizadeh, Supervisor of the Project “Large Middle East” and a political expert (Baku, Azerbaijan) – took part in the international roundtable via a Skype conference. Mr. Tazhibaev told much about the upcoming International Exposition “EXPO-2017” to take place in Kazakhstan from June 20 to September 20, 2017. In his view, such projects become symbols and brands of the Caspian littoral countries. As for Mr. Hajizadeh, he remarked that to form the common information space in the Caspian Littoral Region, it is crucial to obtain the most objective information on a regular basis, including information in English. It is also necessary to implement modern technologies, especially those related to social networks.

Дискуссия об имидже Каспийского региона

Ms. Natalya Ryabinina, Chief of the Astrakhan Tourist Information Center, pointed out that the single information space implies its participants’ complete openness, which still has to be achieved; yet, mutual action is already being taken. In particular, after the 2nd Caspian Media Forum, tourism relations between Astrakhan Region and Turkmenia gradually began to develop; the visa regime for groups of tourists was made more flexible, and joint tourism projects and routes are being developed.

Mr. Eduard Zakharyash, a politologist from Astrakhan, remarked: “The Caspian Littoral Region includes independent countries, which existed there long time ago and which execute their own information policies. Now it’s time for us to establish our single information space and exchange information more actively. Our desire to provide more information should be based on our desire to interact. Yet, we should cooperate by following the lines of national policies”.

Mr. Dmitry Averkin, Chief of the Public Relations Unit of the Special Economic Zone “Lotus”, said that the systematic approach is essential for any project – both from the expert and the media viewpoints. “Most often, we learn about Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and other neighboring countries from our friends and people whom we know well. Information flows from social networks and news agencies are completely irregular. We should work and cover particular themes on a daily basis, then our agenda will be stable and continual”, he pointed out.

At the end of the meeting, Dr. Syzranov remarked that the upcoming celebration of the 300th anniversary of Astrakhan Region in 2017 would be of special importance to attract media attention to the Caspian Littoral Region in general. A whole series of events related to this date is to take place. In particular, there will be the 3rd Caspian Media Forum in late 2017; it will gather delegates from all the five Caspian littoral countries. The School of Journalism will be organized as a part of the Forum; highly qualified specialists from Russia’s top news agencies and universities will take part in its activities. The Caspian Expert Club will go on operating, too. Another session of the Valday Club may take place in Astrakhan. This issue is still uncertain, but if this event takes place in Astrakhan, it will be a great push for expert and information activities on the main discussion site of the Caspian Littoral Region.

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Eurasian Political Research of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)