Student of ASU Participates in Workshop of New Economic School

Student of ASU Participates in Workshop of New Economic School

Rakhiya Utaralieva, a 4th-year-student of the Department of World Economy & Management of Astrakhan State University, has taken part in the 2nd workshop for students and young researchers “Networks & Social Interactions” arranged by the New Economic School (Moscow, Russia).

The event was held on the Skolkovo campus of the New Economic School (NES). About 40 representatives of various universities and research institutes took part in it. Students of non-Moscow universities were provided with a grant to cover their traveling and accommodation costs.

Top foreign and Russian specialists in the field of Network Economics – a rapidly developing interdisciplinary methodology, which is applied in Economics, in Sociology, etc., gave their lectures at the workshop. Researchers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as faculty of the NES, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) told the young people much about network modeling, the networks formation theory, application of network models to tackle social and political issues, financial and banking traffic networks, structural empirical models with geographical data, as well as about challenges and tendencies in the current development of social networks.

Rakhiya is planning to apply the obtained knowledge and skills in her further professional activities.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)