Future Agrarians Visit Advanced Farm

Future Agrarians Visit Advanced Farm

Students of the Agrarian Department of Astrakhan State University specializing in Agronomy have visited one of the most advanced farms in Astrakhan Region named after its owner Ms. Parvana Bakhshieva. The Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region backed their visit.

The farm specializes in cultivation of vegetable in protected soil by applying innovative technologies. Our students learnt much about new equipment, the watering system, and techniques to protect plants from diseases and pests.

The Chair of Agronomy of ASU and the Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region are planning to keep on applying the practice-oriented approach to train future agrarians, which will definitely contribute to a high demand for young specialists at the labor market.

Студенты АФ посетили фермерское хозяйство

Russian original information source: the Agrarian Department of ASU

Russian original photo source: K.A. Prikhodko (the Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)