Chair of Information Security of ASU Participates in Scientific Forum

Chair of Information Security of ASU Participates in Scientific Forum

Faculty of the Chair of Information Security of Astrakhan State University took part in the National Competition of Young Specialists and Educational Centers in Information Security “Infoforum – New Generation”.

This is a large-scale annual event, which gathers specialists from Russia and other countries to discuss issues of information security. The event discussion site is highly appreciated by professionals representing both legal authorities and the overall IT community.

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The Chair of Information Security of ASU has become a 2017 laurate. Prof. Iskandar Azhmukhamedov, Head of the Chair, has become the laureate in the nomination “Professor of the Year”.

Let us congratulate our Chair of Information Security and its Head – Prof. Iskandar Azhmukhamedov – on this achievement!

Russian original information and photo source: the Chair of Information Security of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)