Research Project by ASU Backed by Federal Ministry of Education

Research Project by ASU Backed by Federal Ministry of Education

A research project by staff of the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks of Astrakhan State University has been supported by the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry has selected the best R&D of 125 Russian educational institutions. Of over 2, 500 submitted applications, 444 ones have been chosen, including our project “Electrophysical Properties of Heterogeneous Environments: New Mathematical Models Based on Percolation Theory, Computing Experiments & Applications to Nanocomposites” presented by our Institute. This R&D will be backed in 2017 as a state assignment.

The Directorate of the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks of ASU congratulates the authors of this project and wishes them further progress in their R&D activities.

Russian original information source: the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)