Institute of Continuing Education: Outcomes of 2016

Institute of Continuing Education: Outcomes of 2016

2016 was a successful year for our Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University: 34 professional training programs, 114 trainees who covered our short-term courses, and 376 trainees who covered our programs of professional retraining. The Institute launched its project to develop individual educational syllabi by applying the Educational Web Portal of ASU; it also arranged special training programs for our faculty staff.

Prof. Galina Fayzieva, Director of the Institute of Continuing Education, says: “We made a very good start thanks to staff of other Departments of ASU who backed us. In January 2016, we signed an agreement to train 20 employees of a company from Volgograd in Pedagogics and Psychology.

Since September 2016, our Institute has been delivering 35 programs of professional retraining. About 400 trainees are covering them now. Our programs of extra professional education help our trainees develop their individual paths of professional development and career growth, enhance their professional skills, and succeed in their favorite fields.

Институт непрерывного образования: итоги 2016 года

The most demanded retraining programs in 2016 (which our staff has developed in accordance with the tough requirements that the existing professional standards and the present-day reality set) are: Assistant Kindergartener (Junior Kindergartener); Development of Kindergartener’s Professional Competencies & Skills; Modern Technologies of Human Resources Management; Social Partnership as Tool to Promote Trade Unions under Current Conditions; Information-Related Activities of Youth Councils in Social Networks & Internet; Economy, Standardization, & Labor Remuneration in Budget-Funded Sphere; Organizational Fundamentals of Anticorruption Activities; Information Technology Manager; Technical Protection of Information; Accounting & Audit.

Our advantages are mobility and being prepared to customize our educational programs to meet requirements of the most demanding customers, as well as our ability to react promptly to rapidly changing conditions of the educational services market, make our programs variable and consumer-oriented.

We are proud of our cooperation with our regular partners. We have found new partners this year, and we are sure that thanks to our highly qualified and talented instructors and coaches, thanks to comfortable conditions of our educational environment, we shall provide our trainees with all the necessary competencies and comparative advantages, help them get new skills and knowledge and enhance their current skills, and train them to be well-prepared for communication and interaction”.

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Continuing Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)