Portal in International Ranking of University Web Resources

Portal in International Ranking of University Web Resources

In late January – early February 2017, new results of Webometrics and UniRank (two major international rankings of university web resources) were published.

Even though our portal has lowered by 9 points in the Russian segment of Webometrics (if compared with July 2016) and got the 140th position of over 1, 300, its result is the best one among all the universities of Astrakhan. A similar situation is with the world ranking: is at the 6, 112th position of over 20, 000. Let us remark that the web resources assessment criteria have changed since July 2016. ASU gained its best indicator in Presence, which implies the total number of published web pages.

As for UniRank, whose name used to be 4ICU (4 International Colleges & Universities), has grown by 4 points over the last six months in the Russian segment, thus having gained the 110th position of 387, which is also the best result among Astrakhan’s higher educational institutions.

Russian original information source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)