ASU Delivers Seminar for Heads of Municipalities

ASU Delivers Seminar for Heads of Municipalities

On Feb. 09, 2017, Astrakhan State University arranged a seminar for heads of Astrakhan Region’s municipalities. Its theme was “Municipality Quality Management: Methods & Techniques of Efficient Decisions”.

The event involved over 30 public administrators; the Administration of Governor of Astrakhan Region initiated it.

The seminar started with an excursion up and down the new building of ASU: our guests visited a modern canteen for 400 people, a food production facility, a swimming pool, lecture auditoriums, and laboratories. Demonstrating our facilities, Prof. Alexander Lunev, our Acting Rector, pointed out that all of them are oriented at the project method of education, which has been implemented at our University for 10 years to develop and enhance our students’ teamwork skills and leadership qualities.

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The main part of the event was opened by Mr. Kanat Shantimirov, Head of Administration of Governor of Astrakhan Region, who gave his lecture “Efficiency of Present-Day Administration & Consolidation of Russian Society”. At the beginning of his speech, Mr. Shantimirov thanked our Acting Rector for hosting the event and remarked that it was the first time for him to take part in such a large-scale event, which united heads of local municipalities, over the last decade. “I don’t claim to teach you anything; I’d like to exchange and share experience”, he said.

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Our faculty staff members acted as instructors and coaches: Prof. Alexander Treshyov, Mr. Alexander Kondratyev, Dr. Bulat Dosmukhamedov, Prof. Alexander Glazkov, and Mr. Dmitry Zheleznyakov. The following principles were under detailed consideration: the consumer-oriented approach, top manager’s leadership, staff involvement, the process-oriented approach, the system approach to quality management, mutually beneficial relations with suppliers, continuous enhancement, and fact-based decision-making. The seminar agenda also included master classes in HRM decision-making as a part of the quality management system and in result-based management, as well as an expert session that concerned enhancement of administration processes.

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At the end of the event, Mr. Shantimirov asked the participants to utter several key words to characterize the held seminar. Everyone agreed that the main word is “development”.

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Russian original information source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Russian original photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)