Our Students Succeed in Persian Language Contest

Our Students Succeed in Persian Language Contest

In early February 2017, the 13th Persian Language Olympiad took place at the Institute of Asian & African Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 2017, this event is of international scale, as not only Russian citizens are taking part in it.

Four students of the Department of Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State University took part in the event this time – Albert Yagudeev, Isa Yusupov, Albina Kavka, and Olga Larina. Ms. Zhuldyz Sultanova, who works at our Chair of Asian Languages, accompanied them; she became a juror at the competition.

The range of the event participants included students from those Russian cities where Farsi is studied (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Makhachkala, Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, etc.), as well as from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Belarus. The agenda comprised contesting in written translation, listening comprehension, speaking skills, and literature.

Once again, our students have demonstrated their high professional skills. In particular, Albert Yagudeev has won in Speaking, whereas Olga Larina has got the 2nd place in the Literature competition.

Успехи студентов ФИЯ

Let us congratulate our students on their achievements!

Russian original information source: the Department of Foreign Languages of ASU

Russian original photo source: the above-mentioned students of ASU – participants of the competition

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)