2nd Regional Festival of Student Science Takes Place

2nd Regional Festival of Student Science Takes Place

On April 21, 2016, the 2nd Regional Festival of Student Science took place at the Zvezdny Sports Facility in Astrakhan as a part of the 2nd International Technological Forum “TechnoCaspian-2017”. The Festival was arranged by the Ministry of Education & Science of Astrakhan Region and by Astrakhan State University.

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Mr. Alexander Zhilkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, opened the official part of the event. He pointed out that this Forum would definitely contribute to Astrakhan Region’s dynamic development. Besides the Governor, the distinguished guests of the Festival were Mr. Konstantin Markelov (Chairperson of Astrakhan Region’s Government), Ms. Elina Polyanskaya (Deputy Chairperson of Astrakhan Region’s Government and Regional Minister of Economic Development); Mr. Vitaly Gutman (Regional Minister of Education & Science); Ms. Olga Tartakovskaya (Chief of the Department of HR, Educational, and Research Support of the Regional Ministry of Education & Science).

According to Prof. Sergey Khrapov, Deputy Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the Festival and the Research Supervisor of the Students’ Scientific Council of ASU, arrangement of the event was based on students’ initiative and independent work. “It was leaders and members of project teams, chiefs of students’ research associations who became the main participants of the Forum; their ideas and competences played the main role. The Students’ Scientific Council of our University bears a lot of responsibility; special thanks to Dmitry Bibarsov (its Chairman) and his Deputies – Andrey Polyansky and Victoria Kolosova, as well as the event presenter – Gleb Galushkin”, Prof. Khrapov remarked.

Состоялся II Региональный фестиваль студенческой науки

As for Mr. Vitaly Gutman, Regional Minister of Education & Science, he pointed out that Astrakhan State University has been involved in training professional leaders and future elite for a long time; he recommended that the event participants focused on the development of their competencies to promote their intellectual products.

During the Festival, its guests, research experts, and jurors visited expositions by all the participating educational institutions (six institutions of higher education and three colleges), which included over 50 projects. Prof. Anna Fedotova, ASU’s Vice Rector for Research Activities and the jury chairperson, highly appreciated the novelty of the presented developments, as well as their considerable innovative potential.

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At the end of the Forum, the following projects of ASU were awarded with laureate diplomas: “Brovin / Kacher Generator” (by ASU’s Department of Physics & Technology, with A. Polyansky as the project leader); “Multidisciplinary Model of Fairy Tale Therapy” (by ASU’s Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, and Physical Training, with A. Fateeva as the project leader); “Application of Visualization & Focus Group Interviewing Methods to Analyze Efficiency of Modern Web Sites” (by ASU’s Department of Social Communications, with V. Kolosova as the project leader).

All the other R&D products of our University were awarded with nominee diplomas; each student who took part in the Forum received an official certificate of participation.

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Our Congratulations!

Russian original information and photo source: the Students’ Scientific Council of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)