Students of Our Department of Secondary Professional Education Win International Intellectual Competition

Students of Our Department of Secondary Professional Education Win International Intellectual Competition

Students of the Department of Secondary Professional Education of Astrakhan State University have successfully participated in the 6th International Intellectual Competition of Students “Discovery Science: University-2017” as a part of the project “Intellectual Development of Young Scientists”.

Students of 187 higher educational institutions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, Poland, the Czech Republic, and other countries took part in this event.

ASU presented its R & D in the nominations “Information Project” and “Creative Project” in Agricultural Sciences and in Historical Sciences & Archaeology” to become a top 10 university among the competition participants. Our students, who took part in the competition, were supervised by two professors – Ms. Nina Gontsova and Ms. Khalilya Shamardanova.

As a result of the competition, representatives of ASU took prizes for students covering programs of secondary professional education as follows:

Agricultural Sciences:

  • 1st place – Yulia Dzhanseytova;
  • 2nd place – Ekaterina Bobrova.

Historical Sciences & Archaeology:

  • 1st place – Alexander Gruzdev;
  • 2nd place – Ayzhan Sundutova.

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information source: the Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)