Labor Remuneration Discussed at Conference at ASU

Labor Remuneration Discussed at Conference at ASU

On Sept. 21, 2017, the Interregional Conference “Transformation & Prospects of Labor Remuneration System in the Sphere of General & Higher Education”. It aimed at educational institutions of South Russia.

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Reps of pedagogical communities, trade unions, and educational institutions took part in this event. People of ASU were among them.

The Conference agenda included two stages. At its initial stage, the reports “Approach to Transforming Financial Institutions in Educational System” and “Transformation of Economic Institutions in Educational System” were given. At the second stage, the participants formed groups to present the systems of general and higher education: they discussed the projects of the draft Regulations for Labor Remuneration of Staff of Federal Budgetary & Autonomous Institutions of Higher Education, which would concern staff of institutions accountable to the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation. They also discussed the draft Methodical Recommendations for Labor Remuneration at State Educational Institutions.

As a result, the participants of the Conference developed their suggestions to enhance the existing system of labor remuneration in the field of education.

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Russian original information source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)