ASU Takes Part in Festival of Science of South Russia

ASU Takes Part in Festival of Science of South Russia

On Sept. 23-24, 2017, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) hosted the 8th Festival of Science of South Russia. The event was backed by the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation. People of Astrakhan State University took part in it as well.

АГУ принял участие в Фестивале науки Юга России

The exposition area at the DonExpoCenter Congress & Exhibition Center made up 3,500 sq. m. It included 45 interactive modules: over 20 universities presented their innovations, as well as 10 industrial enterprises, innovative technological centers, and R & D institutions.

At the exposition module of Astrakhan State University, our students presented their developments:

  • Milling Machine with Numerical Program Control (by Nikolay Svischchev);
  • 3D Printer (by Ivan Maslikov);
  • Mechatronic Wheelchair for People with Special Needs (by Ivan Kolesnikov and Mikhail Ilmenskiy);
  • Multidisciplinary Model of Fairy Tale Therapy (by Alena Fateeva);
  • Falling in Love with Russian Literature (by Valentina Atrashkevich and Anna Maria Rostetskaya).

АГУ принял участие в Фестивале науки Юга России

Public lectures were available for participants throughout the whole Festival. As for students of secondary schools, they could attend profession-orienting consultations, contests in Robotics and in Ship Modeling. The business agenda for universities and business companies included roundtables, the foresight session “Generation 2030”, and a meeting of the Educational Cluster Council of South Russia.

The projects presented by ASU were of real interest for both university students – future specialists in Electronics and Robotics – and students of secondary schools.

At the end of the Festival, our University was awarded with a letter of thanks for its contribution to organization of this Festival.

АГУ принял участие в Фестивале науки Юга России

Russian original information and photo source: the Salon of Innovations & Investments of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)