ASU Meets Prospective Students

ASU Meets Prospective Students

The Day of Open Doors has been held at Astrakhan State University.

The event took place in the Main Building of ASU, whose assembly hall served as the main scene; everything that was taking place there was broadcast to lecture halls to let everyone join the large-scale event.

Opening the meeting, Prof. Alexander Lunev, Acting Rector of ASU, told about the main tendencies of the present-day educational system; he emphasized the specific features of educating foreign students, as well as practical orientation of educational process at our University.

The audience watched a film about ASU, which presented its most modern facilities, double-diploma international programs, leisure activities available for our students, etc.

The official part of the event agenda was continued by Prof. Galina Stefanova, First Vice Rector – Vice Rector for Main Activities of ASU. Her speech concerned the rating system to assess our students’ knowledge, our programs of additional education, and studies of foreign languages, which is of high priority at our University.

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, told about the specifics of the 2018 admission campaign, about the minimal acceptable scores to claim enrolment to ASU, and about the numbers of budget-funded positions available for our prospective students. She advised the young people to sign up for a large number of Unified State Examinations: in this case, if a young person fails an exam, he/she will have more opportunities to get enrolled on a budget-funded basis. Such “spare” disciplines, according to Dr. Tovarnichenko, may be Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Geography, as the maximal number of budget-funded positions is provided for specialties in Physics, Math, and natural sciences.

АГУ встречает абитуриентов

The University administration’s speeches were followed by numerous questions that any young person or their parents could ask the speakers. The questions concerned such things as the difference between General Math and Profile Math, how the minimal entrance scores are formed, what employment opportunities are available for graduates of ASU, what physical and psychological qualities are necessary for students to cover this or that educational program, etc.

The Q & A session was followed with a coffee break. Everyone liked the produce of the Clear Water Restaurant located at the University campus.

After the short break, our prospective students met their future Deans and Heads of Chairs. Besides, the event agenda also included an excursion up and down the New Building of ASU. Our guests were impressed with our labs, lecture halls, library, catering facilities, and the large swimming pool – these is our most modern infrastructure that not every university might have even in Moscow.

Approximately 700 people have visited the Day of Open Doors at Astrakhan State University.

Russian original information source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Russian original photo source: the Regional Innovative Center of Catering & Healthy Nutrition of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)