Excursion to Demo Facility of ASU for Secondary School Students

Excursion to Demo Facility of ASU for Secondary School Students

On Nov. 21, 2017, students of Astrakhan Technical Lyceum visited the Demo Facility of Energy Saving & Energy Efficiency of Astrakhan State University.

The facility was established at ASU as part of the project by the Federal Ministry of Education & Science “56 Centers to Train & Consult Staff of Educational Institutions in Energy Saving & Energy Efficiency”.

Researchers of our University told the young people about energy saving by applying alternative sources of energy. The students could see modern energy-saving equipment; they watched solar batteries and wind generators; they also learnt about the prospects of solar and wind power engineering.

Экскурсия в Демоадиторию АГУ для школьников

The solar-and-wind unit installed on our campus at University Building #9 was of special interest for the young students. The unit works 24 hours a day. The energy that our wind generator and solar modules produce is accumulated in our block of accumulators. It is applied to supply power for street lighting, which is turned on automatically in the evening.

Our University is planning to arrange a larger-scale energy efficiency on its campus, demonstrate and promote methods and techniques of energy efficiency to its students and staff, as well as secondary school students and staff of various institutions and organizations.

Russian original information and photo source: the Educational Center “Alternative Energy” of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)