Demonstrating Our Agricultural Achievements

Demonstrating Our Agricultural Achievements

On Nov. 23, 2017, Astrakhan State University took part in an exhibition of selection and seed-farming achievements of Astrakhan Region.

The exposition was arranged as part of the Federal Program for Agricultural Development for 2014-2020. The event involved both federal and regional officials from 77 regions who are in charge of issues related to administration in agriculture.

ASU presented the following innovative projects at the exposition:

  • Mechanized Unit to Catch & Produce Forage from Locust (A. M. Likhter, A. A. Makukhin);
  • Biological Analyzer of Metal Presence in Animal Proventriculi (K. Yu. Avdeykin);
  • Intellectual Analysis of Agricultural Data (A. V. Koshkarov);

Демонстрируем сельскохозяйственные достижения

  • Complex Measurement Platform (I. V. Razvin);
  • Forage Granulated Mixture Based on Phragmites Australis for Young Cattle (S. A. Davydova, O. N. Tsymbal, M. V. Lozovskaya);
  • Technological Support for Breeding & Processing of Clarias Gariepinus (A. S. Dulina, O. V. Udalova);
  • Enhancement of Technology & Techniques to Sow Seeds of Melon Crops (O. N. Bespalova);
  • Phyto Balms of Infosit Range & Glitsiphyt Drops (L. T. Sukhenko).

The unit to catch locust and produce forage from it to meet needs of battery farms and fisheries, which was presented by our developers, was of special interest for the exposition participants, including top officials. Regional officials, who are in charge of agricultural administration, highly appreciated its real prospects by proposing further cooperation.

Russian original information and photo source: the Salon of Innovations & Investments of ASU; the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)