Happy New Year, Presidential Program!

Happy New Year, Presidential Program!

An official ceremony that initiated the one-year educational process for newly-enrolled trainees of the Presidential Program has taken place at Astrakhan State University.

The trainees were greeted by a number of officials – Mr. Alexey Popov (Minister of Economic Development of Astrakhan Region and Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Government); Mr. Vadim Mankov (Director of the Astrakhan Regional Resource Center); Prof. Anna Fedotova (Vice Rector of ASU for Research Activities); Dr. Tatyana Khramova (First Vice Rector of ASU – Vice Rector for Economy, Finances, and Development); Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova (Director of the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU); Dr. Tatyana Mordasova (Director of the Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs of ASU).

С новым учебным годом, Президентская программа!

Sixteen trainees started their coverage of the two programs available for them: five of them joined the program “Efficient Management in Healthcare: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System” and eleven of them joined “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Competitive Advantages of Companies & Areas”.

Profound experience gained in implementation of the Presidential Program in Astrakhan made it possible for our University to build up a team of instructors who are either our faculty staff members or highly qualified specialists with hands-on experience in public administration (including those who already completed the Presidential Program). To make our courses practice-oriented (considering with our trainees’ educational needs), classes are delivered by instructors and coaches who are proficient in management consultancy, strategic management, project supervision, marketing, and HRM.

С новым учебным годом, Президентская программа!

The professional retraining program includes 550 academic hours. The next eight months will be the time to develop our trainees’ skills in management, leadership, teamwork, and project supervision. Besides traditional lectures, active forms of studies are awaiting them (seminars, case studies, business games, role-plays, trainings, business visits, etc.), which will make up two thirds of their educational process.

At the end of the official ceremony, each trainee was given their student card and shown the new building of Astrakhan State University.

Let us congratulate our trainees, as well as their instructors, on the beginning of the new academic year, and let us wish the trainees productive and interesting studies, as well as successful implementation of their future projects!

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)