Consul General of Iran Visits ASU

Consul General of Iran Visits ASU

On Feb. 20, 2018, Mr. Ali Mohammadi, Consul General of Iran to Astrakhan, met Dr. Konstantin Markelov, our Acting Rector.

The distinguished guest arrived at Astrakhan State University to congratulate Dr. Markelov on his appointment as Acting Rector of ASU and discuss further cooperation.

Greeting the guests, Dr. Markelov remarked that he would be glad to continue and develop cooperation with the Consulate General of Iran in Astrakhan. “ASU has been cooperating with northern provinces of Iran for a long time, and our relations are indeed productive. I visited the University of Guilan, met its faculty and students, and I’d like to point out that the academic mobility programs, in which our Universities take part, produce a real effect, especially in language studies. For example, the team of our students recently won the National Competition in Farsi”, he said.

Генеральный консул ИРИ в Астрахани посетил АГУ

Mr. Mohammadi congratulated Dr. Markelov on his appointment; he expressed his strong desire to keep on cooperating with ASU in various fields – first of all, in Farsi and Russian language studies. “We’ve been close neighbors for centuries”, the Consul General remarked, “There are a lot of fields for us to cooperate and keep in touch. I believe now it’s necessary to develop cooperation in the field of education, research, and sports – this is of top priority. I hope we’ll carry out a large number of joint projects while you’re heading ASU”.

Генеральный консул ИРИ в Астрахани посетил АГУ

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Mohammadi congratulated ASU on its victory at the recently held National Competition in Farsi and presented a diploma of the Center of Farsi at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation to our Acting Rector.

Генеральный консул ИРИ в Астрахани посетил АГУ

Russian original information source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Russian original photo source: I.I. Vorontsov (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)