Regional Ministry Delivers Seminar for Beginning Farmers at ASU

Regional Ministry Delivers Seminar for Beginning Farmers at ASU

On March 01, 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region delivered the seminar “School of Beginning Farmer” at the Department of Agricultural Business, Technologies, and Veterinary Medicine of Astrakhan State University.

The event audience included specialists in zootechny, veterinary, taxation, and accounting.

About 100 young entrepreneurs took part in the seminar. Professor Alexander Lozovskiy from our Chair of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness, gave a report related to organization of feeding cattle. In his turn, Dr. Ravil Arykbaev, Dean of our Department of Agricultural Business, Technologies, and Veterinary Medicine, told about activities that this Department performs and about its prospects.

The day before, the first stage of the annual game “Beginning Farmer” took place at the Regional Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery. The team of ASU received a diploma of participation for its project “Establishment of a Pond Fishery Facility to Breed Clarias Gariepinus & Stock the Produce of Its Processing”.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Agricultural Business, Technologies, and Veterinary Medicine of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)