Presentation of Portal “Open Education”: New Opportunities

Presentation of Portal “Open Education”: New Opportunities

On March 15, 2018, a presentation of the educational web portal “Open Education” took part at the Institute of Secondary & Additional Education of Astrakhan State University.

The web resource accompanies the research educational projects of our University bearing the same name. The project aims to develop the main trends of the educational process in Russia, to meet professors’ research, leadership, and creative interests, to improve their professional competencies and develop their personal potential. The event is indeed long-awaited: the project was initiated a year ago; it has been operating in the test mode all this time. Over the last year, 18 short-term professional training courses and 27 professional retraining programs have been delivered; over 100 people have completed those programs and courses successfully.

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The web portal is a platform for the Federal Innovative Site “Organization of Project Activities in the System of Pedagogical Staff Professional Training”, which is not only to implement educational programs. It hosts materials of scientific conferences, master classes, competitions, and contests. The resource aims to provide methodical assistance to schoolteachers, university professors, and management of educational institutions, as well as promote ideas and share pedagogical experience – in general, it aims at everything and anything that contributes to both preservation of Russian educational traditions and development of the Russian education efficiently.

The project team includes highly qualified professors of ASU, specialists with hands-on experience, and teachers of local secondary schools.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Secondary & Additional Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)