Rector of Russian State Social University Visits ASU

Rector of Russian State Social University Visits ASU

On March 28, 2018, Prof. Natalia Pochinok, Rector of Russian State Social University, visited Astrakhan State University.

During an excursion up and down the buildings of ASU, our distinguished guest was shown our main facilities and told about the major fields of our R & D activities. Dr. Alexey Rybakov, Director of the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks, told her about our development of original sensors and spectacles that help people with poor eyesight orient themselves. Getting interested in this project, Prof. Pochinok wished such tools were applied more widely (e.g. in museums) and manufactured at industrial facilities in a regular basis.

АГУ посетила ректор РГСУ Н. Б. Починок

The Innovative Technological Center to Create Multimedia Content of ASU was of special interest for our guest. Dr. Olga Vorontsova, Chief of the Center, told about a unique research unit operating at this facility – a Vicon 3D video analytical system, which helps reveal obscure forms of bearing disorders. “Such R & D products contribute to development of creative competencies in engineering”, Prof. Pochinok pointed out. She also suggested establishment of a new multifunctional center aiming to implement socially demanded and viable projects to assist people with special needs; our R & D teams could work together at that center. Besides, she backed the idea of cooperation between Russian State Social University and ASU related to adaptive physical training and inclusive volunteer movement.

АГУ посетила ректор РГСУ Н. Б. Починок

Having visited the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation, whose Director Prof. Olga Egorova told Prof. Pochinok about the main activities that this School performs, our distinguished guest pointed out that Spanish language programs are a niche market for our University; they might provide ASU with real dividends. According to her, it is necessary to set up a system of remote basic units to execute joint projects and develop academic mobility.

At the end of the discussion, Dr. Markelov, Acting Rector of ASU, wished our Universities cooperated on a regular and versatile basis. In her turn, Prof. Pochinok welcomed his proposal and wished people of ASU succeeded in their further R & D activities.

АГУ посетила ректор РГСУ Н. Б. Починок

Russian original information source: D.M. Bychkov (the Press Service of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the Photo Workshop of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)