Civil Servants Cover Professional Retraining Programs at ASU

Civil Servants Cover Professional Retraining Programs at ASU

The professional retraining courses “Role of Municipal Bodies in Regulation of Interethnic & Interreligious Relations within Municipalities” have been launched at Astrakhan State University.

25 people became trainees of this program, which was arranged by ASU to meet the demand of the Administration of Governor of Astrakhan Region.

Dr. Elina Polyanskaya, our First Vice Rector – Vice Rector for Strategic Development, greeted the 25 trainees. “The issue of interethnic relations is of special importance under the current social and economic conditions. For Astrakhan Region, where over 100 ethnic communities live, this issue is vital. Our Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness that arranged these courses has gained profound experience in developing such professional training programs. I wish you all successful work and having a good time at our University”.

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Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova, Director of our Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness, told the trainees about the program of the retraining course. The classes will be held as training sessions; our trainees will earn about specifics of the Russian official political strategy, about intercultural communication to provide the right international relations; they will talk with experts of ASU and other institutions to plan and develop new projects.

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The official part was followed with an excursion up and down the new building of ASU and its main facilities.

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According to the course organizers, it will be the first course of a whole range of programs that ASU shall arrange for civil servants.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)