ASU Invites to Watch Expositions

ASU Invites to Watch Expositions

The Art Design Creative Workshop and the Cultural Center of Astrakhan State University are pleased to invite you to their exhibitions. The events are held on April 16-27.

The thematic exhibition “History of Dance of 20th century” displays the magic of dances and silhouettes; the exhibits are presented by faculty and students of ASU.

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The exposition “Colored Mood” presents artistic works by a student of our Znamensk Branch; she graduated from Astrakhan Artistic College. The works manifest the beauty of Astrakhan’s sights.

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The photo exhibition “My Success” is being held at our Department of Secondary Professional Education. It demonstrates versatility of students’ life.

Everyone is welcome to visit our exhibitions.

АГУ приглашает посетить экспозиции

АГУ приглашает посетить экспозиции

АГУ приглашает посетить экспозиции

АГУ приглашает посетить экспозиции

Russian original information and photo source: the Art Design Creative Workshop of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)