Scholars & Clergy Discuss Traditions & Prospects of Education

Scholars & Clergy Discuss Traditions & Prospects of Education

Today, on April 19, Astrakhan State University has hosted the national scientific conference “3rd Dmitry Readings”. Similar to the previous years, the event was jointly arranged by our University, by the Astrakhan Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, and by the Astrakhan Branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

On behalf of Nikon, Metropolitan of Astrakhan & Kamyzyak, Archpriest Roman Skolota read the Russian Orthodox Church’s welcoming address. On behalf of Mr. Vadim Stepashin, Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Prof. Alexander Glazkov, who heads the Astrakhan Office of the Society, welcomed the participants as well. As for Dr. Konstantin Markelov, Acting Rector of ASU, he emphasized importance of this event that aims to preserve Astrakhan Region’s historical memory and remember the forgotten pages of history. “It’s essential to remember the milestones that laid the base of education in our Region”, he remarked.

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

The theme of the conference was education as a factor of sustainable social development. In their reports, the speakers discussed long-lasting traditions, profound experience of the past generations, and prospects that arise of the gained expertise. This theme was not selected by chance; exactly a century ago Professor Alexei Dmitrievsky laid the base to establish our University; he played an outstanding role in the development of education in Astrakhan Region. At first, he was a common professor; then he became a Vice Rector, and finally he became the University Rector. At that time, our country had just passed thru the 1917 revolution; the Civil War was still going on. Those were harsh times, but Prof. Dmitrievsky did his utmost to educate the remote region of Russia. He was of great value for Astrakhan as a pedagogue, as a scholar, and as a historian.

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

The conference participants watched a film about Prof. Alexei Dmitrievsky made by students of ASU. The short film narrates about his role in keeping and preserving the cultural heritage. After the 1917 revolution, he defended churches and temples of Astrakhan, proving their enormous cultural value.

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

Not only researchers, but also representatives of religious confessions gave their reports. The audience learnt about the huge contribution of parish schools to Russia’s development; they found out about the origin of Armenian educational institutions in Astrakhan, as well as about the value of education for Muslims.

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

The 3rd Dmitry Readings have become another good example of interaction between people of various ethnic and religious identities, as well as mutual penetration of cultures in multiethnic Astrakhan Region.

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

Учёные и представители духовенства обсудили в АГУ традиции и перспективы образования

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)