Professor of Artois University Visits ASU

Professor of Artois University Visits ASU

On April 23, 2018, Dr. Ang?lique Masset-Martin from Artois University (Arras, France) came to Astrakhan State University upon receiving an invitation from Dr. Alfiya Salkhenova, Director of the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies of ASU.

The distinguished guest is a professional in the field of teaching French as a foreign language. Her visit to ASU includes giving lectures in French language teaching techniques and methods for students of our Department of Foreign Languages. Our students will get a splendid opportunity to master the modern techniques of teaching French, learn about setbacks a teacher might face, and ask questions to the French professor.

Students of our Department of Foreign Languages prepared an interesting cultural program for our French guest: they took her to the Astrakhan Kremlin, the Kustodiev Picture Gallery, and a number of other sights of Astrakhan.

АГУ посетила профессор Университета Артуа

ASU has been cooperating with Artois University since 2014, developing joint research and educational projects. Every year about ten students of ASU go to France for a term to cover an inclusive education program. Faculty of the two universities takes part in exchange programs, too.

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)