Festival of Student Science Complete at ASU

Festival of Student Science Complete at ASU

In late April 12018, Astrakhan State University was a site to demonstrate its students’ innovative potential. Guests of the Festival of Student Science could learn about our students’ numerous projects.

This event has been held for the fourth time. Our Student Scientific Council arranged it. On the first day of the Festival (April 26), the Territory of Writing & Thinking of ASU could hardly receive all the visitors. The presented exposition included 50 projects in natural sciences, technology, Physics, and Humanities; over 400 students of our University took part in their development.

The exposition was visited by reps of regional authorities and business, including people of Gazprom (the major Russian gas-recovering enterprise), who were our distinguished guests. The guests showed much interest in our R & D, which may result in productive cooperation.

В Астраханском госуниверситете подвели итоги Фестиваля студенческой науки

On the second day of the Festival, students of Astrakhan’s secondary schools were demonstrated our developments; our potential students watched our facilities and took part in master classes, which they enjoyed. We wish they became our students in the future.

Dr. Konstantin Markelov, Acting Rector of ASU, emphasized importance of such events, as well as a large role of student science in the development of our University.

The Organizing Committee summarized the outcomes of the Festival. The following decisions have been made:

1. All the members of project teams, all the participants of master classes, and all the volunteers shall obtain certificates of participation.

2. The Department of Secondary Professional Education of ASU shall receive the prize of the audience’s sympathies.

3. The Department of Architecture & Design shall be acknowledged as a laureate of a special nomination for the best presentation of a project exposition. The Department of Social Communication shall be acknowledged as a laureate of a special nomination for a large practical value of its project “Interactive Roadmap for Prospective Students of Astrakhan State University” for our educational institution.

4. The following research projects shall be acknowledged as laureates of the Festival:

  • the Department of Philology & Journalism for its project “Phraseological Games” intended for secondary school students;
  • the Department of Geology & Geography for its project “Automated Information System Monitoring of Vessels (with Astrakhan Region’s Water Area as an Example)”;
  • the Department of Business & Economy for its project “Adaptation System for a New Staffer”;
  • the Department of World Economy & Management for its project “Identify a Debtor”;
  • the Department of Social Communications for its project “Sociological Experiment to Determine Individual Recommendations of Staffers not Involved in Top Management Regarding Educational Process Quality Enhancement”;
  • the Department of Physics & Technology for its project “Portable Solar-Powered Fridge”;

В Астраханском госуниверситете подвели итоги Фестиваля студенческой науки

  • the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, and Veterinary Medicine for its project “Development of Productional Mixed Fodder for Carp Based on Regional Raw Materials”;
  • the Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies for its project “Interactive 3D Graphics in Augmented Reality”;
  • the Department of Foreign Languages for its project “Studying Language Behavior”;
  • the Department of Pedagogics & Social Work for its project “Design of Transformer Costume for Teachers, Considering with Specifics of Astrakhan Region’s Climate”;
  • the Biological Department for its project “Traveling to Microworld”;
  • the Historical Department for its project “Archaeological Laboratory (3D Model of Kremlin)”;
  • the Chemical Department for its project “Synthesis of New Heterocyclic Compounds Based on Ninhydrin. Chemical Composition of Rocks”;
  • the Department of Psychology for its project “Programs to Prevent Cyberbulling”;
  • the Law Department for its project “Legal Support of Traffic & Road Safety”;
  • the Department of Secondary Professional Education for its project “Treacle-Based Caramel for Prophylactic Goals”;
  • the Department of Physical Training & Sports for its project “Power Exercises”.

All the other teams of young researchers and developers shall obtain diplomas of nominees of the 2018 Festival of Student Science. The winners and the laureates shall be awarded at the next meeting of the Student Scientific Council of ASU.

В Астраханском госуниверситете подвели итоги Фестиваля студенческой науки

Russian original information and photo source: the Student Scientific Council of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)