Master Classes to Cook Doughnuts, Cupcakes, & Rolls at ASU

Master Classes to Cook Doughnuts, Cupcakes, & Rolls at ASU

The Regional Innovative Center of Catering & Healthy Nutrition invites everyone to its gastronomic master classes that are held on a regular basis. Only over the past half a month, three master classes have been held at the Clear Water restaurant at the campus of Astrakhan State University.

This series of mater classes related to bakery. On May 17 and 18, cooks made a doughnut bouquet – a dish with an original look; it may decorate a table or may become a creative sweet present. On May 22, yeast dough was cooked. Visitors of the master class cooked pastries themselves. On May 23 and 28, they made cupcakes, which are popular in the West and which are gaining popularity in Russia.

В Астраханском госуниверситете учат готовить пончики, капкейки и роллы

According to Ms. Oxana Udalova, the Center Director, trainees come up with ideas of future master classes themselves. Together with qualified cooks, they choose dishes whose cooking they would like to learn. A real team of regular participants has been formed over the whole time that such master classes are arranged; it includes students and staff of ASU, as well as other people of Astrakhan and guests of our city. Nevertheless, new visitors always come. There are young cooks from neighboring areas. Ms. Udalova emphasizes a flexible schedule of master classes. Most often they are held twice a week; time is chosen considering with students’ and their professors’ work schedule.

The master class program includes not only the cooking process. At each class, the instructors tell about the history of this or that recipe and its variants in different countries. After cooking, a served table in the restaurant zone awaits the participants; they can have the cooked dish, share their impressions while drinking a cup of tea, and make photos.

В Астраханском госуниверситете учат готовить пончики, капкейки и роллы

The organizers of the gastronomic master classes go beyond the traditional cuisine; they are always ready to offer something new. In particular, a master class to cook Japanese rolls will be held soon. The Center has also performed interesting joint projects. For example, cooperating with our Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine, the Center developed a range of products from clarias gariepinus, which is a new fish for Astrakhan Region. Now this fish is becoming increasingly popular among Astrakhan farmers.

Ms. Udalova assured that the Center is developing actively: besides traditional events, there are ideas of new projects.

В Астраханском госуниверситете учат готовить пончики, капкейки и роллы

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)