ASU Applies Unique Techniques to Teach Philosophy

ASU Applies Unique Techniques to Teach Philosophy

The final checkup of knowledge obtained at the special course in Philosophy developed by our Department of Social Communications has taken place at Astrakhan State University. For several months, students specializing in numerous fields – from Law to Sports – studied Philosophy. At their final test, they performed on the scene, took part in a brain ring, and even portrayed famous historical figures.

Our Chair of Philosophy initiated a unique format of teaching Philosophy to large groups of students in 2014. Since then, this project has provided its viability and efficiency: a manual was written on its base, and several grants were obtained.

В АГУ преподают философию по уникальным методикам

Interactive classes for large groups of students require that instructors had a profound knowledge of Philosophy, as well as that they were creative, open, and enthusiastic. Over the four years, a unique team of professors has emerged; they apply the most modern know-hows to teach Philosophy. They are able to interest a large group, which includes 80 to 90 students, and prove that new knowledge is obtainable in a new format – by applying the Internet, multimedia, and a creative approach.

В АГУ преподают философию по уникальным методикам

Contrary to the common belief, Philosophy is not a boring and difficult discipline. This science is in direct correlation with real life; it is always changing; it requires that a student had a good memory and was persistent; it also demands an ability to think vividly, compare and analyze, make independent conclusions. That is why the program of studies includes elements of game, visualization, and joint creative tasks. Our students not only get tasks; they learn to reveal the whole depth and richness of Philosophy. Besides, thanks to this innovative teaching technique, our students acquire teamwork skills. As a single team, they pass thru all the lectures and workshops to come to grips in the final contest. According to Prof. Liudmila Baeva, Dean of our Department of Social Communications and a coauthor of this project, the teamwork approach is a crucial element of the educational process. As a result, the young people get new knowledge, learn to interact, tackle tasks together, and use their personal and team potential efficiently.

В АГУ преподают философию по уникальным методикам

The final test is the brightest and the most memorable event for our students. They do their best to get prepared for this event. During an intensive quiz, they used their teamwork skills well; they also demonstrated good creative abilities when they gave their scene performances. They played the roles of famous thinkers, such as Socrates, Diogenes, and even Sigmund Freud.

В АГУ преподают философию по уникальным методикам

As a result of the final test, the team of our future sociologists has been acknowledged as the cleverest and the most creative team. Our future specialists in international relations became the 1st runners-up, while our future journalists became the 2nd runners-up.

В АГУ преподают философию по уникальным методикам

Russian original information source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Russian original photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)