People of ASU Take Part in Final Stage of an Erasmus+ Project

People of ASU Take Part in Final Stage of an Erasmus+ Project

Three people of Astrakhan State University – Dr. Elena Kuznetova, Dr. Elena Donchenko, and Ms. Marina Trunilina – have visited the Grenoble Alps University (France).

This visit was the final stage of the joint project, during which professors of ASU arranged conferences in Contrastive Linguistics for students and faculty of our French partner. Our French colleagues, as well as the Erasmus+ supervisors, highly appreciated those events.

Представители АГУ приняли участие в завершающем этапе проекта по программе «Эрасмус+»

During their trip, our people learnt much about international activities that the Grenoble Alps University performs; they also took part in a number of meetings to discuss further cooperation between our universities: academic mobility and double-diploma programs.

Представители АГУ приняли участие в завершающем этапе проекта по программе «Эрасмус+»

Представители АГУ приняли участие в завершающем этапе проекта по программе «Эрасмус+»

Представители АГУ приняли участие в завершающем этапе проекта по программе «Эрасмус+»

Представители АГУ приняли участие в завершающем этапе проекта по программе «Эрасмус+»

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Foreign Languages of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)