Another Group of Trainees Complete Presidential Program at ASU

Another Group of Trainees Complete Presidential Program at ASU

Trainees of the Presidential Program who have been covering it over the academic year 2017-2018 have completed their studies.

The trainees have mastered one of the two available specializations: “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Comparative Advantages of Companies & Areas” or “Efficient Management in Healthcare: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System”. They have defended their final projects and passed their final examinations; their task was to tackle a case and present their responses to the State Certification Commission.

В АГУ прошёл очередной выпуск слушателей Президентской программы

According to Mr. Kanat Shantimirov, Chairman of the State Certification Commission and Head of the Administration of Governor of Astrakhan Region, it was interesting to learn that our trainees represent various occupations: top managers of the real sector of economy, head physicians, chiefs of units of medical facilities, etc. The themes of their final projects varied as well; they were both topical and aiming to contribute to sustainable social and economic development of Astrakhan Region. Many projects are recommended for implementation in practice.

В АГУ прошёл очередной выпуск слушателей Президентской программы

В АГУ прошёл очередной выпуск слушателей Президентской программы

Russian original information and photo source: Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs (Presidential Program) of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)