Underwater Robot Project Awarded by Regional Ministry of Industry

Underwater Robot Project Awarded by Regional Ministry of Industry

Nikolay Svischev and Mikhail Gladyshev, who study at Astrakhan State University, have taken the 3rd place in the scientific competition “Projects of the Future” with their underwater robot.

The Ministry of Industry, Transport, and Natural Resources of Astrakhan Region arranged the event. The competition of young inventors aims to promote and stimulate their R&D activities.

Besides, the contest helps implement innovations into the industrial sector of the regional economy, as well as create a community of highly qualified engineers and technologists.

The participants present their R&D in 11 nominations. This year, 15 projects have been presented; strict criteria were applied to select the best of them. The jurors considered with the novelty, the technological solution, economic prospects, and its realization opportunities.

As a result, four winners have been identified; our students’ robot was the only student development among them.

A staff member of the Gazprom Company took the first place; a Lukoil person gained the second place; a private innovative company and students of Astrakhan State University shared the third place.

Проект будущего от АГУ завоевал награду министерства промышленности

In addition, the jurors decided to grant a diploma to our first-year-students, who came up with the project “Development of Power Supply System for Facilities with Large People Flows Based on Organic Piezoelements”.

The official awards ceremony took place at the Regional Ministry of Industry, Transport, and Natural Resoruces. Mr. Ilya Volynsky, Deputy Minister and the jury chairman, thanked the young specialists for their participation and wished they went on cooperating.

The winners of the contest were recommended to present their R&D at a meeting of the Engineering Council at Governor of Astrakhan Region to take place in early October 2018.

Проект будущего от АГУ завоевал награду министерства промышленности

Russian original information and photo source: the Ministry of Industry, Transport, and Natural Resources of Astrakhan Region