Japanese Students Study Russia & ASU

Japanese Students Study Russia & ASU

The Caspian School of Russian Language has started its work at Astrakhan State University. Thanks to it, people of three Japanese universities study Russian; they also learn the culture of multiethnic Astrakhan Region.

This international educational project has been executed for seven years; our Sector of Russian-Asian Cooperation supervises it. The educational process includes three weeks of studies; our Japanese guests live with families of our students and graduates. They fully submerge into the Russian language environment and study Russian by talking with its native speakers.

The training program includes not just classroom activities, but also a large number of cultural and education events. Our guests have already been on an excursion up and down Astrakhan; our student who study Japanese accompanied them. There was also an excursion to lotus fields, where our guests could enjoy the beautiful nature of the Volga River’s Delta and try a peculiar fish soup.

Our University gave our guests a good change to master Russian traditional crafts and cook dishes of the Russian cuisine. Our people gave them a master class in pottery and taught them to cook borsch. They will also learn how to cook pelmeni and bake pancakes.

As part of their cultural program, our guests from Japan will visit the Dogadin Picture Gallery, the Merchant Tetyushinov Home Museum, and the Astrakhan State Theater of Opera & Ballet. At the end of their studies, they shall obtain an official certificate of proficiency in Russian.

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU