Alumna of ASU Tells about Her International Career

Alumna of ASU Tells about Her International Career

Alina Kunusova-Tripicchio gives lectures to students specializing in international communication in Pisa, Italy. She has told us how her career began and said that Astrakhan State University remains to be her second home.

“My proficiency in languages is of genetic origin: my Mom, PhD in Philology, lectured at the Department of Philology of ASU for a number of years. I’ve been interested in the Russian language and culture in particular and languages in general since I was just 4”, Alina says.

language and culture in particular and languages in general since I was just 4”, Alina says.

When she left school, she did not have to tackle the issue what profession to choose. She entered ASU to continue the family dynasty. After getting her bachelor degree, Alina started covering a master program and learning Italian at the same time. Then she had a unique chance to join a double-diploma PhD course at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Astrakhan state University. At that time, Alina was the only Russian PhD student at the Italian university. In 2011, she successfully completed the double-diploma program and obtained two degrees at once a Russian and an Italian one.

The girl returned to Astrakhan and started teaching Russian at her alma mater. At the same time, she supervises its Italian unit and teaches the Italian language and associated disciplines. In 2014, she tried to find a job at a foreign university; so she found it in Pisa. In Italy, she teaches professional Russian to undergraduate students who specialize in Medicine, ICT, business, tourism, etc.; she also teaches oral interpreting. Alina combines her job in Italy with her work at the Chair of Romanic Philology of ASU. It is possible thanks to high-tech equipment of our University, whose students can listen to Skype lectures.

Since the first days of her work abroad, Alina has been establishing and developing contacts between Pisa and Astrakhan. It was our pleasure to start cooperation with our Italian partners.

“Italian people are very interested in Russia”, Alina says. “Being a multiethnic region, Astrakhan is unique; so it attracts their attention. Students who studied at ASU give a great feedback about our city and university. Many people wish they studied at ASU, as we offer numerous opportunities. That’s why our Italian partners came up with a suggestion to develop our links and sign a number of further agreements”.

Now Alina keeps on supervising partnership between Pisa and Astrakhan. She advised that our students who wish to make a career abroad studied foreign languages actively, were prepared to meet and overcome obstacles, and perceive the world optimistically.

Russian original information source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)