Representatives of Two Countries Discuss Youth Business at ASU

Representatives of Two Countries Discuss Youth Business at ASU

The ASU Territory of Writing & Thinking hosted a round-table discussion on prospects of cooperation in the sphere of youth business and innovations. The discussion involved foreign participants — guests from Uzbekistan who came to Astrakhan to attend the 3rd Russian-Uzbek Youth Forum.

Tatyana Seliverstova, Vice President of the Russian Union of Youth and a moderator of the discussion, stressed the urgency of the topic under consideration. Nowadays, a successful start-up often determines the future of a young starter, but even if a student has a brilliant idea, it may be an overwhelming task for them to start their own business. The society, authorities and academic structures of different countries join their efforts to help students promote their ideas.

Astrakhan State University was represented by Anna Fedotova, Vice Rector for Research Activities; she spoke about development of business thinking in students. The Vice Rector noted that now business is driven by innovative entrepreneurship both in STEM sciences and in the Humanities. Advanced methods in social studies, philosophy and linguistics also allow representatives of these professions to become full participants of business development.

Abdulaziz Temirov, a speaker from Uzbekistan, served as a good example; he told the audience the story of his success on his way from a private entrepreneur to the head of his own school.

Svetlana Abdulova, the Head of the Department for Monitoring and Support of Innovative Activities of the regional Ministry of Economic Development, and Ramiz Azizov, the Head of the Employment Agency of the Astrakhan region, dwelled on how starting businessmen are supported in Astrakhan.

In general, the round table discussion kicked a start to another stage of joint work on supporting proactive young people of two states.

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