Astrakhan Power Engineers Speak about Solar and Wind Energy at ASU

Astrakhan Power Engineers Speak about Solar and Wind Energy at ASU

Within the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Energy Conservation #It’sBrighterTogether, representatives of the regional dispatching office of the Unified Energy System (Astrakhan RDO) met with students of the major «Electric Power Industry & Electrical Technology».

The meeting was initiated by representatives of the regional dispatching office of the Unified Energy System of the Astrakhan region: this organization is interested a lot in ASU students as professionals-to-be.

The development of alternative energy in the Astrakhan region was one of the key topics of discussion. The students learnt about solar electric plants that function in the region, as well as about prospects of introducing new solar and wind energy plants and development of renewable sources of energy.

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Research & Educational Centre «Alternative Energy»

Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Automatics