Turkmenistan Citizens Take the Lead among ASU International Students

Turkmenistan Citizens Take the Lead among ASU International Students

Astrakhan State University held a meeting of Atadurdy Bayramov, Consul of Turkmenistan in Astrakhan, with ASU Turkmen students. Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, also attended the event.

The parties discussed prospects of cooperation, the importance of developing and strengthening the friendship, significance of the Russian language and the necessity to learn it, as well as the main issues foreign citizens face while complying with the Russian migration laws.

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ASU is one of those Russian universities that work actively on training students of the Caspian states. It should be recalled that Astrakhan State University trains the largest number of Turkmen students among all the Russian universities — 1,347 persons. ASU accounts for 63% of Turkmen students from the total number of its international students.

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«We do our best to ensure their comfortable stay, so that they feel homey; we both give them good knowledge and help them get employed in the sphere of their majors and keep on cooperating with us,» — Konstantin Markelov stressed. «We are very interested in their further studies in MA and Ph.D. programmes and dedication to science. Joint research programmes are welcomed both by RF President Vladimir Putin and Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.»

Atadurdy Abramov, in his turn, thanked the Rector for the meeting and supported the outlined areas of cooperation. The Consul expressed his willingness to strengthen ties with the university.

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