Governor Morozov Visits ASU

Governor Morozov Visits ASU

Astrakhan State University welcomed Sergey Morozov, the Governor of the Astrakhan region ad interim. He had a look at the university laboratories and talked to teachers and young innovators.

Staff members of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics showed ASU robots to the distinguished guest. They demonstrated functions and capacities of submersible vehicles (an enhanced factory-made robot «GNOM» and an ASU-made vehicle «MUVIK») in the university swimming pool, and ground robots were displayed at the Institute laboratories.

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The Head of our region also saw the ASU library, Academic Laboratory of Modeling & Situational Analysis of Logistic Processes and the Innovative Technological Center to Create Multimedia Content. Being well equipped and having experienced staff members, these departments offer great opportunities both for training and for research. Another example of the ASU high standards of education is the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation: here Governor Morozov had a look at the top-class conference interpreting equipment and learnt about foreign experts that will visit the School in the near future.

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