ASU Celebrates the Festival of the Land of the Morning Calm

ASU Celebrates the Festival of the Land of the Morning Calm

Astrakhan State University has opened a festival of the Korean culture. It’s been held at ASU for the fourth time and organized by the university itself, the Korean cultural centre «Hamke Idong» and the Astrakhan administration.

The concert started with a welcoming speech by Sergey Tsoi, the President of the centre «Hamke Idong». He expressed gratitude to the festival guests for their attention to significant events of the ethnic community. The Korean culture festival was attended by representatives of the regional authorities: congratulation words were said by representatives of the Regional Duma, the city Administration, regional ministries, etc.

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It should be noted that the festival united guests of different ages and nationalities: there were both representatives of the Korean diaspora of Astrakhan and people of different nationalities that are interested in the Korean culture.

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