ASU Opened the Festival of Science with Drone Projects and Ethnic Costumes

ASU Opened the Festival of Science with Drone Projects and Ethnic Costumes

BA and MA students of Astrakhan State University have participated in an interuniversity exhibition, presenting 10 innovative projects.

Astrakhan State University is holding the 3rd Regional Festival of Student Science together with the regional Ministry of Education and Science within the framework of the All-Russian festival «NAUKA 0+».

The event opened on November, 15 with an exhibition of projects at the institute «Platform». Higher and vocational educational institutions of the Astrakhan region presented their research products.

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Astrakhan State University demonstrated different projects connected, in particular, with innovative biotechnologies, AIS monitoring of ships and water areas, healthy diet, etc. Scientific interests of young researchers widely range from onboarding programmes to development of drones with a system of environment monitoring.

Besides, young researchers of Astrakhan State University are aware of the necessity to develop integration processes in the Caspian macroregion, which is always mentioned by Rector Konstantin Markelov. This idea was also presented at the exhibition through initiatives of establishing the «Caspian Youth Research Project Office» and «Caspian Student Communication & Educational Platform».

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