ASU Business Students Learn the Theory and Practice of Business Management

ASU Business Students Learn the Theory and Practice of Business Management

The organizers of the ASU project «Youth Business Incubator» keep on giving classes on mastering entrepreneurship.

Under the guidance of business coaches, students learn to take the initiative, decisions and legal and financial responsibility. Knowledge acquired in class is consolidated during training sessions, role plays and excursions.

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For example, while delivering the module «Teambuilding and Leadership», Julia Ulanova and Christina Glonina, psychologists of the psychological center «Tandem», used the method of staff comprehensive assessment. Role plays, based on simulation of business conditions, help build important qualities in future businesspersons.

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The project participants also visited one of the biggest building supplies stores of Astrakhan. The hypermarket administration told the students about the company’s history, its success and plans, paying special attention to the fact that it is very important to pool necessary human and material resources into a single production process.

Center of Career Planning

Photo: psychological center «Tandem»

Directorate of Information Policy