ASU Teachers Undertake an Advanced Training Programme

ASU Teachers Undertake an Advanced Training Programme

In November, the Department of Social Pedagogics & Psychology of the ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work held an advanced training course «Information Technologies in Education» for teachers of Astrakhan State University and staff members of Astrakhan educational institutions. The programme was supervised by Iraida Sorokina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences and an Associate Professor of the Department.

Holding the course is dictated by the needs of educational activities, in particular the necessity to improve them and raise their efficiency. While taking the course, the participants updated and deepened their knowledge on creating educational content online, managing educational and project activities for different forms of in-class and distance learning.

A session dedicated to educational, portfolio and personal websites was attended by an expert who gave examples of educational websites of different gymnasiums and schools.

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The course participants noted that the classes broadened their knowledge of pedagogical forms and methods implemented with the use of information technologies. The teachers particularly discussed the potential of educational websites in integration of educational, research and social projects.

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Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work