Astrakhan Experts and Guests Discuss Information Space of the Caspian Sea Region

Astrakhan Experts and Guests Discuss Information Space of the Caspian Sea Region

On November 22-23, a 2-day media training course for young journalists «Information Space of the Caspian Sea Region» was held in Astrakhan. It involved fledgling employees of regional mass media and more than 50 students of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism and the Law Faculty.

The event was organized by the Centre of International and Sociopolitical Research "Caspian-Eurasia" (Astrakhan, Russia), the centre for political studies "North-South" (Moscow, Russia) and the centre "Eurasian Monitoring" (Astana, Kazakhstan).

Journalists and mass media specialists from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan participated in the project as invited experts.

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Aleksey Damakin, the Counsellor of the Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Astrakhan region, noted that communication with top-class experts would give invaluable knowledge and experience to the participating young journalists who would also take an active part in various discussions.

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The experts and participants discussed important issues of the Caspian information integration, topics of materials for young authors, work with negative agenda and options of cooperation with leading mass media of the Caspian Sea region.

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The 2-day educational media marathon was concluded with two discussion panels — a round table discussion "Modern Tendencies of Media Development in Grand Eurasia" and a meeting of the Caspian Expert Club. This time, journalists, political scientists and members of the public discussed the topic "Information Field of the Caspian Sea Region: New Trends in Social Media Development". The meeting resulted in framing plans on plotting a media map of the Caspian Sea region and further cooperation with young journalists of the Astrakhan region.

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Centre of International and Sociopolitical Research "Caspian-Eurasia"

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy