ASU Keeps on Introducing “The ABC of Professions” to Pupils

ASU Keeps on Introducing “The ABC of Professions” to Pupils

The Regional Children Library held a lesson, dedicated to the profession of crime scene investigator, within the framework of an educational project. Peculiarities of this interesting and unusual specialization were described by Yuliya Chertikhina, a senior teacher of the ASU Department of Criminal Law.

The pupils learnt how to expose a criminal by a shoeprint, dried blood spot or a tiny particle of nap, left on the scene of crime.

After the theoretical part of the lesson, the ASU teacher demonstrated the contents of a crime scene investigator’s special case, an inherent attribute of evidence search and securing. The children saw with great interest how sharp fingerprints appeared on a clear glass when a special powder and a magnetic brush were used; then a simple method was applied to transfer them to a sheet of paper.

Therefore, the participants of the programme “The ABC of Professions leant what technical and intellectual capabilities are in the arsenal of law enforcement authorities to tackle crime.

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Law Faculty