ASU Students Take Part in Master Classes by Boarding School Teachers

ASU Students Take Part in Master Classes by Boarding School Teachers

The ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work keeps teaching students with the use of practice-oriented training methods.

The ASU Department of Remedial Pedagogy together with the Boarding School No.3 for Physically Challenged Pupils held a training seminar "Specificity of Organizing Educational Process and Extracurricular Activities of Hearing- and Speech-Impaired Children and Children after Cochlear Implantation". At the first lesson Tatyana Simonova, the Head of the Department of Remedial Pedagogy, noted the relevance of practice-oriented approach in training teachers of deaf persons and speech therapists in the framework of implementing the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education of physically challenged pupils.

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The seminar programme included such issues of education of hearing- and speech-impaired children as special education conditions, creation of a suitable educational environment, facilitation of independent cognitive activity, usage of information and communication means, specificity of applying logopedic technologies in working with hearing-impaired children, formation of universal learning activities, pupils’ spiritual and moral development, and assistive training methods.

Upon the programme completion, the students stressed its great practical importance, the highest professional level of the boarding school teachers and expressed their wish for further seminars.

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Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work