ASU Rector Participates in a Meeting of SCO University National Rectorate

ASU Rector Participates in a Meeting of SCO University National Rectorate

RUDN University held a meeting of representatives of the leading (basic) higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation that are members of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as representatives of the Chinese Rectorate of the SCO University, which is based at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

The University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is one of the main humanitarian projects of the SCO, so the activities of this network educational institution are actively supported by public authorities. The Rectorate meeting was attended by Igor Ganshin, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and Eleonora Mitrofanova, the Head of Rossotrudnichestvo.

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The meeting agenda covered the main issues of the SCO University activities over the outgoing year, the reports by representatives of the universities that coordinate top-priority majors in IT, nanotechnology, pedagogy, regional studies, ecology, economy and energy. Besides, the meeting participants discussed the results of the conducted work and the problems the partner universities face when implementing joint academic programmes, as well as the ways to address them.

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As for the next year, the meeting participants agreed to pay special attention to an update of the regulatory framework for development and implementation of programmes within the SCO University, as well as the procedure of selection and admission of students.

Source: RUDN University

Photo: RUDN University