ASU Students Learn the Secrets of Modern Digital Business

ASU Students Learn the Secrets of Modern Digital Business

Astrakhan State University has become one of the platforms for implementing the programme "Digital Entrepreneurs of Russia". The Territory of Writing & Thinking hosted a meeting of ASU students with leading experts in the spheres of economy, information security and business.

The project, aimed at helping actual and future entrepreneurs adapt to the modern requirements, is the award winner of the Foundation of Presidential Grants in Science & Education. The initiative is developed and implemented by the Centre for Technology Modernization and Research & Engineering Development Monitoring of the All-Russia People’s Front "People’s Front for Russia".

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The project implies four stages. The first one includes expert analytics. The second stage consists of several face-to-face events in 11 regions of Russia, including Astrakhan. The third stage will form teaching and learning basics of digital entrepreneurship. Finally, the fourth stage implies informing target audiences about results and dissemination of the project materials.

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Now digitalization is spreading over all spheres of life, and people must be ready to these changes, especially those who build their careers and want to keep up with all modern trends. In order to inform students to the fullest extent and teach them, the invited leading experts, ready for a dialogue and discussion, have come to Astrakhan State University.

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The meeting was held in a free format, and the future businesspersons could ask all topical questions and pitch their ideas. Then the organizers held another seminar, this time for actual entrepreneurs, who had the opportunity to raise their digital literacy at our university.

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