Astrakhan State University Sums Up the Results of “Youth Business Incubator”

Astrakhan State University Sums Up the Results of “Youth Business Incubator”

The project, supported on the back of the All-Russia competition of youth grants among higher educational institutions, has been implemented at ASU for three months.

The conducted events were concluded with a presentation of six projects, prepared at the business incubator. They were assessed by six parameters: composition of the project team, the project urgency, degree of development of its marketing component, analysis of competitors and risks, presentability and preparation of financial estimates.

According to the ranking, made by the competition jury, the winners are a team of the Faculty of Business & Economy that prepared the project «TravelAstra», as well as a representative of the Historical Faculty with the project of an event agency The Thousand and One Occasion.

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Besides, the final stage of the business incubator work included the regional conference Social Partnership of HEIs and Small Businesses on Preparing Students for Entrepreneurship” with face-to-face and virtual participation.

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At the debriefing round table discussion, which involved students, the audience listened to the organizers and experts’ opinions, as well as the feedback from participants of the Youth Business Incubator. That day also saw the award ceremony of the event.

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Centre of Career Planning

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy