Astrakhan State University Holds the New Year’s Ball for Students

Astrakhan State University Holds the New Year’s Ball for Students

This evening, the ASU Cultural Centre Hall of Mirrors gathered representatives of all ASU faculties near a New Year’s tree. However, even acquaintances did not recognize each other immediately — carnival costumes made young ladies and gentlemen unrecognizable.

Distinguished guests of the event also followed the celebration concept: Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, entered the Hall in the guise of a good wizard, while Farida Rekesheva, the Vice-Rector for Extracurricular & Social Activities, appeared as the charming Little Red Riding Hood.

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Addressing the students, the ASU Rector congratulated them on the upcoming holiday and wished to celebrate it vividly and cheerfully, but also to remember that it is necessary to pass all winter exams successfully. As for the upcoming ball, the Rector expressed his confidence that ASU is giving rise to (or, to be more precise, reviving) a wonderful student’s tradition of costume parties.

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This evening, ASU faculties became fairy kingdoms, and each of them sent its best representative to the ball. Slow and fast dances were alternated with the concert dance performances, competitions and congratulations from Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snow Queen. All of this created a unique atmosphere, reminding The Carnival Night movie.

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During the evening, everyone could vote for his/her favourite costume. The New Year’s costume party finished with a disco.

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