Astrakhan State University Outlines New Steps in Cooperation with UN

Astrakhan State University Outlines New Steps in Cooperation with UN

Olga Egorova, the Director of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, presented a report on the School activities at an annual seminar of the UN Information Centre in Moscow.

The event was held by the Information Centre together with the Linguistic Support Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The seminar has been held for 8 years and gathers representatives of partner universities in the sphere of professional training of highly-skilled translators and interpreters for international organizations.

This year, the seminar agenda included a number of urgent issues, e.g. staffing and specificity of work of Russian translation and interpreting services at the UN Offices in New-York, Geneva and Vienna (their representatives also participated in the seminar); quality of training translators and interpreters for international organizations in Russian partner universities; sharing pedagogical experience, comparison of curricula and programmes; methodology and practical aspects of training.

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Olga Egorova, the Director of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, told her colleagues about achievements of ASU translators and interpreters in the outgoing year. Indeed, we have a lot to be proud of: master classes by leading experts of the EU, UN, WIPO and our Foreign Ministry, traineeships for students and professional retraining programmes for the university teachers, joint academic projects with partners, a number of Erasmus+ grants, successful employment of our graduates and a lot more. The seminar participants commended the results of work of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation in 2018 and it means that cooperation of Astrakhan State University with foreign and federal partners will keep developing and extending actively.

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation

Photo: courtesy of Olga Egorova