Rector Konstantin Markelov Wishes ASU a Happy New Year!

Rector Konstantin Markelov Wishes ASU a Happy New Year!

Dear teachers, staff members and students of Astrakhan State University! My sincere congratulations on the occasion of the New Year!

Let the holidays bring you only joyful emotions, and let the year 2019 be marked with wonderful and long-awaited moments.

Now, having started a new calendar stage, we may once again look back and take stock of the previous year. It has introduced plenty of serious achievements and milestone events into life of the university and the whole academic sphere of the region. One of the final events of 2018 was the establishment of the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions. That is the result of a big and fruitful cooperation, which all of you have taken part in. And it is to your credit that ASU is that high up at the moment and doesn’t lose ground.

I thank all the staff members and the teachers of the University for your professionalism, competence and sympathy. Many thanks to all BA, MA and Ph.D. students. Your enthusiasm and creative power helps us plan and implement new projects for the sake of the University and the region.

Dear friends! In the coming year I wish you much happiness, creative and professional achievements, implementation of all your plans and of course, health to you and your families!

Konstantin Markelov,

Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University